Tibique dolores adversarium ne vel. At vide errem duo, vis luptatum menandri ullamcorper id.
Tibique dolores adversarium ne vel. At vide errem duo, vis luptatum menandri ullamcorper id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, elitr nullam ei duo. Duo ut omnes scribentur. Vim ne quas invidunt intellegam, quo docendi blandit electram ei, vel ex omittam detracto philosophia. Ei nam reque etiam, possit eripuit ad vel. Aperiri deserunt ea cum. Eam animal principes neglegentur cu, facer audiam forensibus his ex. Tibique dolores adversarium ne vel. At vide errem duo, vis luptatum menandri ullamcorper id. Duo cu tractatos interesset, at usu soluta tibique principes. Ei cum dicam suavitate, eum ex erant homero mandamus, his te albucius platonem mediocritatem.
Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management is organizing a National Conference on Emerging Issues in banking and Finance in a Technology Driven Economy (EIBFTDE-2015) on February 20, 2015.
For details, please see the website http://eibftde2015.l2.nitk.ac.in/index.html
Ms.Akshata G. Patil, a Research Scholar,pursuing her Ph.D. in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering under the supervision of Dr. Anandhan Srinivasan, has won the best paper award in "Two Days-International Seminar on Frontiers of Ceramic and Materials Technology for cement Industries",organized jointly by the Indian Ceramic Society, Bangalore Chapter and Dept. of Ceramic and Cement Technology, PDA College of Engineering,Gulbarga, Karnataka. The paper entitled 'Interparticle Interactions and Lacunarity of Mechano-Chemically Activated Fly Ash' was authored by Akshata G. Patil and S. Anandhan.