Objectives: : The Government of India has recognized Non-formal and Continuing Education as one of the main areas of thrust in its new Education policy. It was in this context CENTRE FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION (C.C.E) was started in the year 1987 and has been involved in organizing short term courses, extension courses and workshops on a wide ranging of topics over the years, utilizing the manpower and resources available in the College. The Centre has organized about 326 programmes so far, catering to the needs of working professionals from various academic institutions, Government organizations, industries, commercial banks and also students, with the help of concerned departments and sponsoring agencies. These programmes are organized either during day/evening time depending upon the convenience of the participants/sponsors. The resource persons are mostly drawn from NITK and at times external faculty is involved depending upon the necessity. The laboratory, library and computer facilities of the Institution are made available for conducting the courses. The CCE-NITK is managed by an Advisory Committee. This Committee monitors the activities as well as the funds of the Centre.
Statement of Year-wise activities organized by CCE-NITK
Year | Number of Continuing Education Programmes Organized | Number of Beneficiaries |
1988-89 | 09 | 161 |
1989-90 | 09 | 173 |
1990-91 | 14 | 204 |
1991-92 | 10 | 181 |
1992-93 | 10 | 174 |
1993-94 | 12 | 241 |
1994-95 | 11 | 241 |
1995-96 | 14 | 338 |
1996-97 | 11 | 919 |
1997-98 | 09 | 147 |
1998-99 | 18 | 577 |
1999-2000 | 06 | 69 |
2000-01 | 14 | 352 |
2001-02 | 06 | 161 |
2002-03 | 09 | 252 |
2003-04 | 15 | 354 |
2004-05 | 27 | 690 |
2005-06 | 22 | 311 |
2006-07 | 21 | 373 |
2007-08 | 10 | 181 |
2008-09 | 07 | 114 |
2009-10 | 20 | 580 |
2010-11 | 10 | 322 |
2011-12 | 11 | 353 |
2012-13 | 02 | 148 |
2013-14 | 00 | 000 |
2014-15 | 03 | 31 |
2015-16 | 04 | 47 |
2016-17 | 04 | 61 |
2017-18 | 09 | 267 |
Total: | 327 | 8,022 |
Annexures I II III Please See http://www.l2.nitk.ac.in/basic-page/cce-annexure
As you may be aware, the main objective of the programme is to upgrade the expertise and capabilities of the faculty members of AICTE approved degree-level engineering institutions, National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and National Institutes of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTRs) of the country. The programme launched by the Government of India in the year 1970, is now being implemented and monitored by the National QIP Coordination Committee, funded through AICTE.
There are three main activities under QIP scheme for the faculty of degree-level engineering institutions:
• Providing opportunities to teachers of the degree-level engineering institutions to improve their qualifications by offering admissions to M. Tech and Ph. D. degree programmes.
• Organizing Short Term Courses at the QIP Centers for serving teachers in various emerging areas of technology & research.
Nine major QIP centres at IITs and IISc undertake the various activities listed above. Admission to M.Tech and Ph.D. programmes are also offered in selected areas in additional institutions recognized as minor QIP centers. A large number of teachers from engineering institutions from all over the country have pursued Master and PhD degree programmes under this scheme. These are aimed at improving the standard and quality of technical education through improvement of the qualifications of the faculty members of various engineering institutions.
In the past, a Curriculum Development Cell has been set up at major QIP Centres for improving the effectiveness of technical education in the country. Its activities include curriculum development and revision or preparation of monographs, textbooks, teacher’s manuals, teaching aids and other resource materials, examination reforms, organizing inter-institutional programs, seminars, workshops and panel discussions, development of educational technology, creation of methodologies for formal and informal trainings, technical education of the handicaps, etc. A number of short term courses have also been organized by major QIP Centres for the benefit of the faculty members of Engineering Institutions across the country.
The QIP web sites http://www.iitb.ac.in http://www.iitbhu.ac.in http://cepqip.iitd.ac.in http://www.iitg.ernet.in href="http://www.iitk.ac.in/qip will give you necessary information about the programme as well as about the requirements and the procedure to apply for admission in Master / Ph.D. degree programmes. The details of the disciplines and specializations available at various centres are listed in the website and also available in the admission brochure to enable you to make appropriate choices. You can navigate through the links on the left hand side of the main web page for admission and can download the admission brochure.
The procedure of admission under QIP involves the following steps:
• Scrutiny of all applications in the office of the Principal Coordinator QIP.
• Short-listing by the QIP centres for interviews and dispatch of call letters to those
selected for interviews.
• Recommendations by the QIP centres to NQCC.
• Final selection by the National QIP Coordination Committee (NQCC) and
• Offer of Admission by the Institution where the final selection has been recommended
by NQCC.
For further information about a particular institution or a particular department therein, you may directly write to the Head of concerned department or the QIP Coordinator of the institution.
I) Details of candidates on Role under QIP (Engineering) Scheme during 2018-2019
Sl.No. | Programme | Admitted Year | No. of Candidates |
1 | Ph.D | 2015-16 | 00 |
2 | Ph.D | 2016-17 (2nd Year) | 06 |
3 | Ph.D | 2017-18 | 07 |
4 | Ph.D | 2018-19 | 11 |
5 | M.Tech | 2016-17 (1st Year) | 02 |
6 | M.Tech | 2017-18 (1st Year) | 00 |
7 | M.Tech | 2018-19 | 00 |
8 | Pre Ph.D | 2018-19 (Final admission 2019-20) | 10 |
Total | 36 |
II) Details of Candidates on Role under QIP (Poly) Scheme during 2018-2019
Sl.No. | Programme | Admitted Year | No. of Candidates |
1 | Pre Ph.D | 2018-19 (final admission 2019-20) | 20** |
2 | M.Tech | 2017-18 (1st year) | 04 |
3 | M.Tech | 2016-17 (2nd Year) | 04 |
4 | M.Tech | 2018-19 | 19* |
5 | Ph.D | 2016-17 | 00 |
6 | Ph.D | 2017-18 | 00 |
7 | Ph.D | 2018-19 | 01 |
Note: ** Applications received from NITTTR, Chandigarh, Interview on 8-8-2018.
* Recommended for selection by NITK